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martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

RE: Pa' cuando aqui....



Transport for London said it had apologised to all the passengers for the delay to their journey and said all Muslim drivers are being reminded that they should pray during statutory rest periods rather than hold up services.

A TfL spokesman said: 'A route 24 bus was delayed following a decision by the driver to stop the bus to pray.  

'The bus company, London General, has had a word with the driver as this is not something that should be happening. 

'TfL apologises to passengers for any inconvenience this may have caused them.   

'We understand that there is some flexibility in the Muslim faith as to the times of day that drivers can pray.

'TfL and the individual bus operating companies acknowledge and value the diversity of their staff.   

'As diverse employers, TfL and the bus operators provide suitable prayer or quiet rooms at garages and other key locations for staff who wish to practise their faith.

'We have asked London General to remind drivers who have a requirement to pray to use these facilities during their rest periods.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1249335/Bus-delayed-Muslim-driver-pulls-pray-aisle.html#ixzz0f1bCygNO


“Had a word with” meaning “do that again and you are out on your ear (la rua es tuya)” although once is surely one time too many!


From: Lafuerza, Vicente
Sent: 09 February 2010 18:14
To: laradiowisconsin.xcorreo@blogger.com
Cc: Guest, Adrian
Subject: Pa' cuando aqui....


Un conductor musulmán para su bus en medio de Londres para rezar

Paró el autobús sin avisar a los pasajeros, se quitó los zapatos, se colocó una chaqueta fluorescente, extendió una alfombrilla, se puso de rodillas y rezó en árabe.




que se ponga un conductor  español a rezar en medio del Bus, lo despiden ipso facto , seguro que a todos los que os indigna la intolerancia frente a otras culturas os faltaba tiempo para poner el grito en el cielo (con perdón). Así vamos…

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